Only a short ride by comparison to the other days so only a short blog today 🤷♂️
Ferry arrived 15 mins early at 12.45h Spanish time, we were pretty much first off the boat and had agreed to wait for the support vehicles at a nearby Cafe. The vans were held up at customs so there was lots of time for coffee and chat about the weather. The picture below shows the hills I would have to climb as soon I got going 🚵

Spain is the second most mountainous country in Europe after Switzerland so I know what to expect over the next 9 days.
As soon as the vans arrived I was off, I wanted to get to the hotel as quick as possible because the weather forecast was getting worse as the day wore on. Here are the guys getting ready at the vans as I shot off to tackle the hills 🚵

I got about 30 mins into the ride before the rain started and boy did it rain.
Imagine how wet an Otter´s pocket is 🤔 well I was wetter than that🙄 . It was biblical and soaked through the clothes to the skin immediately. I stopped to take off my glasses but it didn´t help I still couldn´t see properly 😵💫

The rain did ease a bit and visibility returned just in time to see the clouds touch the hills at the top of the descent into Guenes. I stopped to take a photo but regretted it on the way down as I was freezing 😰

When I got to the hotel i was delighted to see a fan in the room so jumped in the shower with the filthy clothes on and scrubbed everything clean, with the help of the fan i hope they will be dry in the morning. Happy to be back in Spain 😊

Distance covered 27.4 Km
Climbing 461 M
Moving time 01h 32m 43s
Another cold and wet day but at least it was a short one. Big day tomorrow 💪
Difficulty rating 3/10
🙏keep those donations coming