Alarm went off at 06.30h but I was up before it. A look outside confirmed it was raining 🌧️
The temperature was a mild 14 °C so I took a chance with clothing and went with water repellent because the waterproof gear I have is too warm to be climbing in.
The first hour was a long straight road into a headwind so I decided to join up with a fast group that would rotate a Peleton. Riding in a tight group really saves energy and moves faster. The 2 riders up front are working hard and the rest sitting in behind benefiting from the slipstream. In cycling it´s called "Drafting" and you can reduce your energy output by as much as 30%. 🚴♂️🚴♂️🚴♂️🚴♂️🚴♂️
Once we hit the countryside I reverted to cycling on my own and was surprised and delighted to see my name on a road sign just before we crossed the river Boyne 😮

The rain hadn`t come to much and I could see a bit of blue sky as I entered county Kildare.
I knew that I would be cycling past the famous K Club ⛳ I remember vividly watching Europe thrash the USA 18.5 - 9.5 in 2006 on the North course designed by Arnold Palmer. I´ll come back and play here one day i thought to myself🤞

My backside was really starting to protest now but what can you do? 🤷♂️
The sun decided to make an appearance as I headed for the lunch stop in Maynooth and Sean from the support crew was out and about taking some action shots. This is about 80km into the day and 6km from a van with it´s back door open 😋

I didn´t eat much because I knew what was in store later. The Wicklow mountains are the largest area of continuous high ground in Ireland. The songwriters and Bards that wrote beautiful songs like "Among the Wicklow Hills" never had to cycle over the feckin things 🙄 Beautiful they are but very steep in places. On the first climb after the last stop my front wheel was coming off the ground it was that steep. I was crawling up it at slower than walking pace 😥 At least my arse was getting a break as I stood up in the climb to keep the front wheel on the ground.
The gradient touched 20% on one section🤦♂️

On the second climb it only reached 17% 🙄 but it was a long climb (12km)
As I crawled up it I could see the weather closing in 🌧️

After what seemed an eternity I reached the top. Normally following such an effort to cycle up a big hill one is rewarded with a glorious descent, not today, not for me anyway 😒
I couldn`t enjoy the views because my glasses were covered in raindrops, I couldn´t sit down because my arse was killing me and I was freezing because I was wet through and free wheeling.
I couldn´t wait to reach the hotel, surely they would have some 0.0% Guinness ? You guessed it 😒
After a hot shower and a 15 min leg massage I felt a lot better but it was over an hour before the feeling returned to the index finger on my right hand.
One more big effort tomorrow to get to Rosslare for the Ferry ⛴️ then a chance to have a proper rest on the way to Bilbao.

Distance covered 156.5 Km
Climbing 1,610 M
Moving time 07h 21m 03s
Off to a good start but turned out to be one of the toughest days cycling I´ve ever done.
Difficulty rating 9/10
🙏 make it all worthwhile 💚